Let our experience be your guide 


Let our experience be your guide 


Let our experience be your guide 


Let our experience be your guide 


Let our experience be your guide 


Let our experience be your guide 


Let our experience be your guide 

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Data Privacy

Being the Website operator, we take the issue of the protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your data as confidential and in accordance with statutory data protection regulations and the privacy statement.

The purpose of the privacy statement below is to provide you being the user of our Website with information regarding data processing in relation to the use of this Website.

1. Name and contact data of a data controller responsible for data processing and a data protection officer

This privacy statement relates to data processed by:

the Data Controller:
VON ZANTHIER Rechtsanwälte
Henning von Zanthier
(hereinafter also the “Law Office“),
Lietzenburger Str. 54
D – 10719 Berlin, Germany
Telephone +49 (0) 30 88 03 59 0
Telefax +49 (0) 30 88 03 59 99

2. Collecting and storing personal data and a manner and purpose of their use

a) Website visits

Whenever you visit our Website at, information is automatically sent by a browsers on user’s device to our Website server. Such information is stored temporarily in the so-called log file. The following information is then recorded without your participation until its automatic removal:

  • an IP address of a computer sending a query,
  • the query’s date and time,
  • the name and URL of a downloaded file,
  • a Website from which the user has accessed the site (a referrer URL),
  • a browser which has been used and your computer’s operating system, if any, and your access provider’s name.

Said data are processed by us for the following purposes:

  • ensuring that connection with the Website is successfully established,
  • ensuring convenient navigation through our Website,
  • assessing system security and stability and
  • other administrative purposes.

The legal basis for the processing is art. 6.1(f) of the GDPR. Our legitimate interest stems from the purposes of data collection specified above. The collected data will not be used for the purpose of drawing conclusions regarding users.

Moreover we use cookie files and analytical services on our Website. More detailed explanations can be found in items 5 and 6 of this privacy statement.

b) Signing up for our newsletter

If, pursuant to art. 6.1(a) of the GDPR you have given your consent, your e-mail address is used for the subscription of our newsletter. To subscribe to the newsletter it is sufficient to provide your e-mail address.

It is possible to unsubscribe at any time, for example, by clicking on a hyperlink published at the end of each newsletter. It is also possible to unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address:

c) Using our contact form

In case of any questions, you can contact us using a contact form made available on our Website. To that end, your current e-mail address is required for us to know who sent the query and to reply. The provision of further information is voluntary.

The data are processed for the purpose of contacting us pursuant to art. 6.1(a) of the GDPR based on your voluntary consent. The personal data obtained by us for the purpose of using our contact form will be automatically erased after responding to your query.

3. Data processing and transfer

Your data will not be processed and transferred to third parties for purposes other than those specified below.

Your data will be transferred to third parties provided that:

  • you have given your consent thereto pursuant to art. 6.1(a) of the GDPR,
  • data processing is required for the performance of a contract or for the performance of pre-contractual activities resulting from your query,
  • data processing and transfer pursuant to art.6.1(f)of the GDPR is required for establishing, exercising and defending claims and there are no bases for presuming that you have an overriding interest to be protected in not transferring your data,
  • in case of a statutory obligation to process and transfer data in accordance with art. 6.1(c) of the GDPR and also where
  • it is statutorily allowed and pursuant to art. 6.1(b) of the GDPR it is required for a contractual relationship with you.

4. Categories of data recipients and data transfers to third countries

4.1. As part of our company your data is accessed by those areas which require them to perform their contractual and statutory obligations and are authorized to process the data.

As the entity being subject to a duty of professional secrecy, we are obligated to comply with and implement the related principles. Other recipients may receive data provided by you at your request only if we are released from the duty of professional secrecy unless neither of exceptions below is applicable.

4.2. Law offices working together with us as part of services rendered by us

If it is required for the purpose of the provision of a requested service, i.e., in the case of the presence of an international component or the necessity of relying on the expertise of any of our colleagues specializing in a specific area of law, we work together with VON ZANTHIER & DACHOWSKI SP.K. with its registered office in Poznań, Poland.

If it is required for the purpose of the protection of your interests, your data will be transferred to other law offices as well, in particular those associated in DIRO

4.3. Authorities, courts and other units

In relation to the provision of our services, it may become necessary to provide information, deliverables and documents to authorities, courts and other public or private units (in case of the presence of the international component also abroad). The above shall also include cases whereby we are subject to the statutory, official or court order to disclose personal data. The above is only possible in the absence of the duty of professional secrecy.

4.4. External IT service providers

As part of our business, on a case by case basis we rely on the services of other German or foreign companies rendering services related to the use, maintenance and servicing of IT systems and applications used by us. Those companies with rights to access personal data can only be engaged provided that the related arrangements are made with our service providers or it is statutorily allowed.

4.5. We provide information about possible transfers of personal data to other EU member states. We take care to ensure that data are each time transferred pursuant to the German and European data protection laws. All non-EU service providers who may process your data offer an appropriate level of protection pursuant to the regulations of the EU Commission.

5. Cookies

Our Website uses cookies. Cookies are small files created by your browser that are recorded on a user’s terminal device (a PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone etc.) whenever our site is visited. They do not cause any damage to the user’s device and are free of viruses, Trojan or other malware. Cookie files contain data regarding specifically used device. The above, however, does not mean that in that way we are able to directly identify you.

Cookies are mostly used for convenience to improve your customer experience. To that end, so-called session cookies are used allowing users to be recognized when they move from page to page within a Website. They are automatically removed after you exit our Website. Also to optimize the convenient Website use, temporary cookie files are used which are stored on your device for a specific period of time. If you revisit our Website to take advantage of our services, you will be automatically recognized along with your activities and information which will not have to be re-entered. Moreover, we use cookies for statistical monitoring of the use of our Website and analyses to optimize our services for you (see item 6). When revisiting the Website, the cookie files will allow us to automatically recognize you as our visitor. Those files are automatically removed after the lapse of a specifically defined period of time.

Data processed by cookie files are required for securing our legitimate interest for said purposes and the interests of third parties in accordance with art. 6.1(f) of the GDPR.

The majority of browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you are free to set your browser in such way that no cookie files are stored on your computer or that an appropriate notice is always displayed before a new cookie file is created. Disabling cookies may, however, result in making some of our Website functions unavailable.

6. Analytical tools

a) tracking tools

Measures specified below which are implemented by our company for tracking user activities are used based on art. 6.1(f) of the GDPR.

Thanks to the measures the purpose of which is to track user activities, we want to ensure that our Website is regularly optimized and customized. Moreover, we rely on measures used for tracking user activities for statistical monitoring of the use of our Website and making analyses to optimize our services for you. That interest should be deemed as legitimate within the meaning of the regulation specified above.

Individual purposes for which data are processed and data categories result from appropriate tracking tools.

b) Google Analytics

For the purpose of customized development and regular optimization of our Website, we use Google Analytics, a tool for analyzing Website statistics available from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (hereinafter “Google“).

Accordingly, pseudonymized user profiles are generated and cookies are used (see item 5). Information regarding how the Website is used obtained with the help of cookie files such as

  • a browser type/version,
  • an operating system in use,
  • a referrer-URL,
  • the name of a host gaining access (an IP address),
  • the time of sending a query to a server,

is transferred to Google server in USA and stored there. The information is used for analyzing the Website use, making reports regarding Website activity and rendering other services related to using the Website and the Internet for market research and personalized site experience. If needed, such information will be transferred to third parties if it is required under the law or if third parties process such data on request.

By no means will your IP address be linked to other Google data. IP addresses will be anonymized so that no matching is possible (IP-Masking). You can disable cookies installation by appropriate browser settings, however, please note that in such case not all Website functions will be fully available.

Moreover, you can disable the collection of data obtained by cookies regarding your use of the Website (including your IP address) and the processing of such data by Google by downloading and installing Browser-Add-on.

As an alternative to Browser-Add-on, in particular, in the case of browsers on mobile devices, data collection by Google Analytics can be disabled by clicking on the link. An opt-out cookie file will be installed to disable the collection of your data during subsequent visits to the Website. The opt-out cookie file works only on that browser, is related to our Website only and will be placed on your device only. If cookies are removed from that browser, the opt-out cookie file will have to be re-installed.

More information regarding data protection in relation to Google Analytics can be found, for example, at Google Analytics-Pomoc.

c) Google Adwords Conversion Tracking

We also use Google Conversion Tracking for statistical monitoring of the use of our Website and making analyses to optimize our services for you. To that end, a cookie file is installed by Google Adwards on your computer (see item 5), if a user landed on our Website from a Google ad. Those cookie files become invalid after 30 days and are not used for personal identification. If the user visits specific Adwords customer sites, and the cookie file is still valid, Google and the customer may recognize that the user clicked on an ad and was redirected to that site.

Each Adwords customer is provided with a different cookie file. Hence it is impossible to monitor cookie files through Adwords customers’ Websites. The information obtained through conversion cookies is used to develop conversion statistics for Adwords customers who decided to track conversion. Adwords customers are advised about a total number of users who clicked on their ad and were redirected to a Website with a conversion tracking tag. However, they are not provided with information that allows personal identification of users.

If you do not wish to be tracked, you may decline the installation of the required cookie file by, for example, appropriate browser settings that will generally disable the automatic installation of cookie files. You can also disable conversion tracking cookies in your browser by introducing such browser settings that will allow to block cookies by Google data protection details as regards conversion tracking can be found here.

7. Social media plugins

Pursuant to art. 6.1(f) of the GDPR, social media plugins are placed on our Website such as LinkedIn and Xing, to better promote our law office. Such promotional purpose should be recognized as a legitimate interest within the meaning of the GDPR. Responsibility for the related use in accordance with data protection rules rests with a given site operator.

In the case of hyperlinks to social media platforms of operators being third parties or private individuals which are administered on external servers, we have no control over the presentation and use of contents made available there. We are not responsible for the accuracy and use of the contents made available on those servers. A hyperlink to a third party Website does not mean our recommendation or support for appropriate third parties or products and services of a given provider.

We are not responsible for the collection and/or use of user’s data on servers of third-party providers. We recommend becoming familiar with privacy policies of such third parties – related hyperlinks can be found on our Website.

8. Rights of data subjects

You have the right to:

  • pursuant to art. 15 of the GDPR, demand information on your personal data processed by us. In particular, you may demand information regarding purposes of the processing, data categories, categories of recipients to which your data have been or will be provided, a planned data storage period, the existence of the right to rectify, erase or restrict data processing and to object to such processing, the existence of the right to lodge a complaint, the origin of data if such data have not been collected by us as well as regarding automated decision-making, including profiling and important information, if any, regarding their details;
  • pursuant to art. 16 of the GDPR, demand immediate rectification of inaccurate data stored by us or completion of incomplete data;
  • pursuant to art. 17 of GDPR, demand that your personal data stored by us be erased if the processing is not required for the purpose of the exercise of the freedom of expression and information, to fulfil a legal obligation due to a public interest or to establish, exercise or defend claims;
  • pursuant to art. 18 of the GDPR, demand to restrict the processing of your data if you contest the accuracy of the data, the processing is unlawful but you object to have the data erased, the data are no longer needed by us but are required by you to establish, exercise or defend claims or in accordance with art. 21 of the GDPR you have objected to the processing;
  • pursuant to art. 20 of the GDPR, obtain your data which have been provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or demand that such data be transmitted to another controller;
  • pursuant to art. 7.3 of the GDPR, withdraw your consent at any time as a result of which we must not continue the processing of the data which was performed based on such consent and
  • pursuant to art. 77 of the GPDR, lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority; in principle, you may turn to a competent supervisory authority with jurisdiction over your habitual place of residence, place of work or registered office of our law office.

9. Storage period

Please note that your personal data are stored and processed as long as they are required for the fulfillment of the purposes specified above. Where personal data are subject to statutory storage obligations or constitute a part of documentation which is subject to a statutory storage obligation, such data will be stored for a period prescribed by statutory regulations.

In principle, data are stored due to a statutory limitation period for 10 years from the end of the calendar year of the termination of an order or contact.

10. Right to object

If your personal data are processed based on a legitimate interest pursuant to art. 6.1(f) of the GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing in accordance with art. 21 of the GDPR on grounds relating to your particular situation or where such objection concerns direct marketing. In the latter case, you have a general right to object to direct marketing which will be respected by us without referring to a particular situation.

If you wish to take advantage of your right to withdraw your consent or your right to object, please send an email to:

11. Data security

For visits to our Website we use a common SSL (Secure Socket Layer) method in combination with the highest possible encrypting level supported by your browser. Usually it is a 256 bit encryption. If your browser does not support the 256 bit encryption, the v3 128 bit technology may be applied. A lock or key icon displayed in a browser’s bottom status bar denotes that the connection to our Website is encrypted.

We also rely on appropriate technical and organizational security means to protect your data against willful or accidental manipulation, partial or complete loss, damage, destruction or unauthorized third party access. Our security measures are constantly improved as the technology advances.

12. Validity and modifications of the privacy statement

This privacy statement is valid and corresponds to the status as at May 2018. As our Website and services are developed or in relation to the change of statutory or official guidelines, it may be necessary for the statement to be modified. The applicable privacy statement may be at any time downloaded by you and printed from our Website

+49 30 88 03 59 0
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